Aubrey Dalton joined the Navy in 1941.
After training he went to the ship HMNZS Kiwi.
Kiwi was sent to the Pacific and patrolled around the Soloman Islands with HMNZS Moa. In July 1943 they came across the I-1, a Japanese submarine. The ships went to battle. Aubrey Dalton’s action station was at the Oerlikon gun on the bow (front) of the Kiwi during the battle. It was a dangerous place to be, but he kept his focus and stayed at his gun position through the battle. In the end the I-1 hit a reef. The two New Zealand ships defeated the Japanese submarine.
Aubrey Dalton was a “hostilities only” sailor, meaning he was only in the Navy during the Second World War and left when the war was finished.