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Meet Andrew

What attracted you to working at the Navy Museum?
I have a Masters Degree in New Zealand History and I was looking for a chance to work in the museum sector where I could be involved in the preservation and teaching of our history.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
I always enjoy meeting people who have a personal connection to our exhibits or who were present during the stories we highlight. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the history and to gain a new perspective.

What do you enjoy least?
There are objects and stories that are not currently exhibited in the museum that we get asked about. We try our best to help people find more information where we can, but it is disappointing knowing we can’t cover everything.

Name the most unexpected fact you have learnt since taking up your role at the Museum
During World War II some New Zealand minesweepers traded gin for new weapons, which would later prove to be a useful purchase when faced with a Japanese submarine.

Name your favourite object in the Museum and explain why you chose it.
It is hard to choose just one, but I love the View-Master on display in the ABC room. It’s a toy we are all familiar with, and in the museum we can see it in a different context, being used to train sailors to recognise various ships.

What’s the most memorable thing you have done since being at the Museum?

I have spoken to a veteran who was on both HMNZS Rotoiti and HMNZS Pukaki during Operation Grapple. His stories of the experience were eye opening and have driven me to learn more about that operation.

Name the funniest moment since you joined the Museum?
I’ve heard many funny stories from our veteran visitors about the pranks they would pull on each other, their officers and even other navies. But perhaps it’s better to be discrete here. I don’t want to be the one getting anyone into trouble.

How do you enjoy spending your time outside work?
I am a history buff and enjoy learning new things, whether that is through reading, documentaries or visiting other museums and historic sites. I also enjoy cooking and home brewing.

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