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Meet Paula

What attracted you to working at the Navy Museum?
The job description sounded interesting, but I didn’t know anything about the Museum or Navy. I came out and did a sneaky recon and liked the front of house vibe and I thought the Rainbow Warriors exhibition was wonderful. Those things and the location combined made me want to apply for the Educator role.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
My work colleagues are really great people, a good work environment goes a long way. I also like the community aspect of the Navy. I get a kick out of doing cool things, like going on the ships, visiting base and seeing people in full naval regalia is pretty cool too.

What do you enjoy least?
Unfortunately, I still don’t have security clearance and I have to be invited on to base, I’d honestly be there all the time if I was allowed.

Name the most unexpected fact you have learnt since taking up your role at the Museum.
The fact that the Museum is a living space that is utilised everyday by the community and Navy. There are continual community events, educational programmes and medal ceremonies – It’s hard not be blown away.

Name your favourite object in the Museum and explain why you chose it.
I really like the models of the ships especially the Endeavour. It makes me imagine what kind of people would have had the guts to travel to places they didn’t know and what amazing things they would have encountered.

What’s the most memorable thing you have done since being at the Museum?

That’s a hard one to answer because so many new and interesting things have happened. Going onto base and on board the ships is pretty thrilling. Seeing the interior living and working spaces on them is so interesting. They seem so small and difficult to navigate.

Name the funniest moment since you joined the Museum?
Putting my back out and my entire team encircling me in cones while I sat on a chair in the car park. I think someone took a photo, but luckily that hasn’t shown up.

How do you enjoy spending your time outside work?
I love going to art galleries and exhibitions. I am an artist, so am drawn to those activities.

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