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Meet Emma

Emma – Educator, Navy Museum

What attracted you to working at the Navy Museum?
My role is a combination of some of my favourite things – working with people, working with history, and constantly learning myself.  Previously I worked at the Imperial War Museum in London, including on board HMS Belfast, a Second World War light cruiser, so my interest in all things naval goes back a little way too. I feel very fortunate to have a job which combines all of these things, especially in such beautiful surroundings.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
The variety of people I get to meet and work with, from visiting schools, families in the holidays to working with naval personnel.
Name the most unexpected fact you have learnt since taking up your role at the Museum.
Perhaps, surprisingly, I’m not a ‘fact’ person.  Although I have learnt many along the way it’s actually peoples’ stories I am more interested in rather than dates, statistics and specifications.
What’s the most memorable thing you have done since being at the Museum?
There are a few but if I have to choose for me it is probably working on the Kids Create Exhibition programmes.  Having the opportunity to work with such creative students and teachers is a real privilege.
Name the funniest moment since you joined the Museum?
I can never think of things when I’m put on the spot! But I’ve definitely had lots of fun working at the museum.
How do you enjoy spending your time outside work?
I’m currently studying for a post grad in Digital and Collaborative Learning at UNITEC and also studying Te Reo Māori at AUT so both those take up a lot of my ‘spare’ time at the moment. Ask me again in July!
What are you most looking forward to doing in 2018?
In 2018 I’m looking forward to working on new education sessions for schools, planning the next Kids Create and also seeing what the next year brings. 

Meet other members of the Navy Museum team.
