Meet Maree – Museum Administrator
What attracted you to working at the Navy Museum?
Having worked on base as a Navy civilian for 20 years, when I saw the job advertised I felt it was the perfect time for a change of scenery and new experiences in an area I was unfamiliar with.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
There is never a dull moment, each morning brings new work experiences, challenges and on job training opportunities from helping rescue stingrays in the local rock pools to organising new lighting!
What do you enjoy least?
Driving home from the beautiful Devonport Museum beach setting to home in the Auckland rush hour traffic!
Name the most unexpected fact you have learnt since taking up your role at the Museum.
My response to this is not so much about a fact as I have learnt many of those during my tenure here, it’s about the knowledge and the appreciation I have gained for all the complex work and planning that goes on behind the scenes for both the protection and showing of all the Museum artefacts, new exhibits and of course the general maintenance that is required to have all areas at their best for our visitors.
Name your favourite object in the Museum and explain why you chose it?
Not a particular object but being involved (in a very small way) with the restoration of the mine store and its surroundings has been amazing. I am looking forward to its opening, it will be a very popular feature.
What’s the most memorable thing you have done since being at the Museum?
There are many, but one particular event that is special to me was on my first day being asked if I would like to raise the ensign, the pride and privilege I felt raising the flag for the first time was immense.
Name the funniest moment since you joined the Museum?
Not funny for the neighbours but in the early morning of my second day working here setting off all the security alarms as I attempted to open up. I still have internal panics each time I unarm the alarms when I’m first to work!
How do you enjoy spending your time outside work?
Spending time with my husband, children and two beautiful grandchildren, going to the beach, walking and gardening.