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Meet Marica

Marica – Visitor Services Manager, Navy Museum

What attracted you to working at the Navy Museum?
The role was in my community, yay! The Navy and its story has been part of my and my family’s world for a long time. I had visited the Museum on many occasions and was moved by the stories of individuals and fascinating collection pieces just waiting to be discovered.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
The people, our visitors, first and foremost. Supporting my team to deliver memorable visitor experiences. It’s not just about delivering historical facts, there are times where there is a need to listen, empathy is important, connecting. Our Navy story is fascinating and alongside that is the Navy’s role in the development of New Zealand’s sense of nationhood and identity.

What do you enjoy least?
Having to say goodbye to people as they move into new opportunities.

Name the most unexpected discovery since taking up your role at the Museum.
Meeting visitors who discover that the museum has so much more to offer than they thought.

What’s the most memorable thing you have done since being at the Museum?
It’s always difficult to choose a most memorable thing … Fun Palaces definitely rated, it was exciting and heart-warming to see the community and the museum in their element together. Another was spending the day on Te Mana, how fantastic! I was blown away by the maneuverability of such a large vessel. It was a hive of activity, a mini world, a community. Just awesome.

Name the funniest moment since you joined the Museum?
Chasing a rogue bird out of the Museum. Patience was key. It involved a lot of clapping, arm waving and some serious strategic planning to ensure we’d be able to close the museum for the end of the day.

Can you name your favourite object in the Museum and tell us why you selected it.
I never tire of the Helen Pollock sculpture, ‘As Above, So Below. The space it sits in and the spectacular view from the Commemorative Pavilion provides a peaceful place for reflection.  What I enjoy the most is that the artist’s work enables our visitors to interpret the sculpture in a way that is meaningful for them.

How do you enjoy spending your time outside work?
I love spending time with my friends and family, working in the garden, the sea … swimming and at the moment I am obsessed with knitting.

What are you most looking forward to doing this Summer?
Paddle boarding, I’m looking forward to being more active. The view of the ocean outside my office window reminds me to make the most of the amazing landscape we live in.

Meet other members of the Navy Museum team.
