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Love is in the air

A wedding portrait of Sub Lt Douglas Francis RNZNVR and his bride, L/Wren Patricia Rowe RN taken 26th February 1944 outside Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Rd, London. L/Wren Rowe was employed as a signaller at HMS Vectis, a naval shore establishment at Cowes Castle on the Island of Wight. She met Lt Francis when he was posted to the same establishment. She was married in her WRNS uniform. Her husband donated her uniform to the museum in 1995 and we believe it is the one she was married in, although there is a later addition of a good conduct badge on the left sleeve.

Sub Lt Douglas Francis RNZNVR and his bride, L/Wren Patricia Rowe RN
Sub Lt Douglas Francis RNZNVR and his bride, L/Wren Patricia Rowe RN 2006.92.45
L/Wren Patricia Rowe's uniform
L/Wren Patricia Rowe's uniform CAQ 0001 CEC 0002
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